Case Study C&A NFL Collection



C&A is a multinational chain specialising in fashion for all types of audiences. In 1Q2022 they launched a new collection based on the National Football League (NFL), the collection contained sweatshirts, t-shirts, trousers, among other accessories. The aim of the campaign was to reach the young target both to communicate the collection and to generate traction to their shops.


In order to meet the objectives, we proposed to work in the video game territory. Although the collection was about the traditional NFL, not video games, we opted for gaming given the excellent affinity not only between gamers and young people, but also for the possibilities it offered in terms of engagement, content creation and traction.

Specifically, we proposed the influencers that make up the well-known FAV HOUSE, such as Spursito, Tresco and Kiwi. They were in charge of making the collection visible and championing it, through dynamics and fun games, which were broadcast via Twitch and YouTube, in turn they pushed on the social networks Twitter and Instagram so that people were encouraged to interact and finally they uploaded the content generated in the campaign in a synthesised way on TikTok.


From Play The Game we fit the strategy with gaming, it was not easy as we had to research very well how to link brand and product with gaming. In addition, we were in charge of managing the entire campaign.


Almost 900% more impressions than the initial objectives.

Almost 200% more views and interactions than the initial objectives.

Client's opinion:

The objective of this collaboration was to position the C&A brand among the young target, to make them aware of the capsule collections of licenses related to their interests. We have been satisfied with the notoriety generated in the different social networks among the community of streamers.

Carla Cabrera - Onmichannel Marketing Manager Spain & Portugal

Óscar Soriano